Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

The anticipation is finally over and Christmas Day is here. I feel like we have been preparing for days and days, which I suppose we have with our paper chain Patrick has been diligently shortening since the first of the month. We began our festivities with 3:30 mass on Christmas Eve at Resurrection. Probably the shortest mass I have ever been to on that day, setting a record at under 35 minutes. The church was packed, as Father joked there was certainly "no more room at the inn". We came home for a bit and, as promised, allowed the kids to enjoy a "whole bottle of root beer" for excellent church behavior. They were very good, even caused a few laughs around us when Patrick complained rather loudly that "I can't see Baby Jesus, there are too many people!!'.

Bretz Family Christmas was celebrated following mass, and almost everyone was in attendance. We surely missed the Weiss clan, who were stuck up in Indy with sick kiddos. The Christmas treats were plentiful, as always, and the kids loved their 'pillow pals' from the grandparents. Brian and I received a restaurant gift card and a coupon redeemable for a night of babysitting...which is about the best gift we could have received! After gifts and getting jammies on, it was back home to prepare for Santa. Previously decorated cookies were set out alongside a glass of milk, and a bowl of reindeer chow. Luckily, Grammie and Papa ran into Santa this week and he asked her to send us his "magic key" that allows entry for him into homes without chimneys. After hanging that on our door, it was off to bed.

I was awoken once at 2 am, by a anxious little boy asking if Santa had come...but we were able to hold him off until after 6 am. The kids were thrilled to see their trikes, tent, and stocking full of goodies. Patrick was much more focused on simply getting through the gifts, which was quite different from Lucy who tended to get distracted by each new item. Favorites of Patrick's are the fleet of semi's, rescue helicopter, and the couple dozen of new Matchbox cars. Which he has promised NOT to take the tires off :) Lucy loves her baby, jewelry, brown boots "like Mommy's" and purse. And Daddy and I raked up pretty well, too. The kids picked out some very nice Christmas jewelry for me, and a pocket knife and charcoal starter for Daddy. Patrick made us a sweet gift at preschool, which we will always treasure. Our first gift made at school :) He was very excited, telling us we could "hang it in our room, but it's glass, so don't break it".

Today is a lazy day for us, as usual. Hence, I can get all this posted :) I have included a short slideshow as well. We don't leave our house, the kids just play all day. Tonight I am making a big turkey dinner and Daddy and I will open up a bottle of red wine to celebrate. Next week we head up to Indy to celebrate with the rest of the family over New Years. Merry Christmas to everyone, friends and family near and far. We are so blessed. Enjoy your time with those you love!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Resurrection Christmas Party

Lucy and I joined Patrick at his Christmas fun! The kids enjoyed making ornaments, playing games, and snacking on Christmas goodies. Patrick was happy to pass out his little gift bag to his classmates, and one of his little friends even invited him over to a campout in her backyard, saying "you can even wear your pajamas!". Lucy was greeted with a great big hug and kiss from her brother. She was very much a part of the activities and, of course, the snacks. If only she could go to school "like brother", she would be all too happy! She was insistent on wearing her "Christmas shoes"...and I chose not to fight that battle today :)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Lucy Marie!

Our sweet baby girl turned 2 years old today, and the party was fit for a princess. Lucy loves breakfast, so we decided to celebrate over her favorite food. Some of the gifts included a new baby doll with a wardrobe of homemade clothes (thanks Mamaw and Papaw!), a highchair (thanks Grammie and Papa!), a fairy costume (thanks Aunt Carissa and Uncle Cory), and her gift from us....a kitchen with all the trimmings! I made her a strawberry lemon princess cake, which she loved. Especially because the toppers are actual toys, double bonus :) We are so blessed to have this little girl, in all her sweetness and charm. She is truly a gift from God, born fittingly on the Feast of St. Lucy at 9:50 pm on this day. She has enriched our lives in so many ways.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Evansville Courier and Press West Side

Grandma Bretz took the kids out for a very fun morning last Saturday in New Harmony for Breakfast with Santa and the parade. The kids have told us repeatedly about the big tractors in the parade, the carriage ride they took, and of course visiting with Santa. Apparently a few people thought Patrick was pretty photogentic...he made both the Posey County News and the Evansville Courier and Press.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Cookie time!!

We invited our good friends, Axton and Addy Gamblin, over to decorate Christmas cookies today. After lunch, the kids got right to work. Icing and sprinkles were plentiful on the treats that were made. Yummy!! We briefly had all four kids in the bath after the decorating was done, which was comical. A tradition we would like to continue for years down the road....but this might be the last year for the community clean-up!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas time is here...

We created a new tradition this year, picking out and cutting down our tree at a farm just down the road from us. This farm is one we pass almost daily, and the kids and I always wave at the rows and rows of growing evergreens. So we tried it...and it was a blast! We spent about 30 mins finding the "perfect tree" and the kids enjoyed watching the owner buzz it down and shake off all the needles. We think it might be the best tree we have ever had! All of our Christmas decorations are up, including the New England village and Brian even put lights on the outside of the house for the first year. The kids and I have baked batches and batches of Christmas goodies for giving. Here is a picture of the kids in their Christmas jammies -- Lucy is wearing the ones that Patrick wore the year she was born :)

Sunday, November 29, 2009


We had a wonderful and very busy holiday up in Indianapolis. Thanksgiving Day was celebrated at Grammie and Papa's, and the party continued later into the evening over board games. Friday morning came early and Grammie, Aunt Molly and I were rushing into Target as the doors opened at 5 am. Eight hours and many bags later, we were finally back home. The next morning we enjoyed Breakfast with Santa at the Indiana State Museum. The food was wonderful and the kids were so excited to ride the train and climb onto Santa's lap. Patrick had several questions for Mrs. Claus, everything from "Where are the reindeer?" to "Why do you like it so cold?". That evening the adults went out for dinner at Bucca Di Beppo's downtown while Bridget bravely babysat all 5 little ones! We arrived home today with grand plans of putting up our tree tonight. We are so blessed, so very thankful for our happy and healthy children and amazing family and friends. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thanksgiving baking

Lucy and I kicked off the holiday baking spree with some mini pecan pies to take up to Indy next week for Thanksgiving. The boys were outside and it occured to me that she and I had never baked together before, just the two of us. She felt like such a big girl measuring out the ingredients, mixing them up and of course sampling the batter!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!


Ladybugs hugging - Lucy and Alayna Hill

Yes, that is a cooler of beer being pulled and our son walking

The Rudolphs, all in character!

Before leaving the house, the best and very typical Patrick face

For the second year in a row, we met up with friends and trick-or-treated around Oakfield subdivision. It is the perfect amount of homes for our kids. The first house, Patrick ran away when the door was opened and we could hardly get either of them to take the treats offered. Another difficult concept was the idea that the candy doesn't ALL have to be eaten immediately, we can and should take some of it home. I suggested bringing the wagon FOR THE KIDS, but Brian had a different idea...and was the hit of the afternoon with the Daddies.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween Party!

Getting ready for the St Mary's Halloween Party

Girls table at Resurrection Preschool Party :)

Enjoying the Halloween cupcakes

Patrick and friends Camden and Landon getting ready to "mummify" with TP

Patrick, Landon, and Camden making "candy corn guys"

Today was Patrick's Halloween Party at preschool! Myself and a few other mothers organized the party, everything from crafts to games and then snacks. My part was the craft, and the kids seemed to enjoy making the little candy corn guys. Lucy was one of the two siblings there as well, she really enjoyed all the toys and activities in the preschool room. It was neat for me to see Patrick engaging with his friends and interacting with his wonderful teachers...and also special for me to be able to be there helping with his party. It's something that my own mother was always a part of, and I feel lucky that I am able to give that gift to my own children. Enjoy the pictures!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Falling leaves

Patrick is just about 3 1/2 and so excited that fall is here and he can make a big pile of leaves and jump in it. He's been asking to do this since, oh, maybe July. About as long as he has been asking to wear his "shoe jammies", aka fleece sleeper. He has completed 2 months of preschool and we are so happy. Every day he surprises us with things he is learning. Letters, numbers, counting past ten, and starting to write his name. We have definitely noticed how much better his interactions are with other children, that he is just that much more used to being around other kids and taking turns, sharing, etc. On most days :) We have started a "good behavior" chart at home, currently he is working toward going to the theater and seeing his first movie on the big screen this holiday season.

Lucy will be 2 in December. Which she will tell you that it is almost her birthday, and she is one but will be two soon. She loves her baby, named "Bingo". Of course, such a great name for a baby. She pushes her all over the house in her stroller, chatting up a storm. She is doing great in her big girl bed, in fact we just took the safety rail off. She continues to love Polar Express and this has become our little treat on Tues/Thurs morning when Patrick is at preschool, to snuggle up and watch it. She rides Patrick's old bike "like a maniac" and is always giving out big hugs and telling us that she loves us. She tries to count, knows pretty much all her colors, and several songs. With age, so has come some less desirable behavior and she spends her fair share of time in time out for hitting or back talking. Yes, back talking. A favorite phrase is "don't say that to me".

We are having the kids pictures taken in a few weeks and I am very hopeful that we will get some good ones! Maybe even some together!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pumpkin Patch!

What a beautiful fall day to visit the pumpkin patch! We headed over to Mayse Farm Market for the second year in a row, and I think it was even more fun than last year. The kids enjoyed running thru the hay bale maze, going down the slide in the cornfield, and of course riding the tractor-pulled wagon back to pick out the perfect pumpkins. And the caramel apples weren't too bad either :) The first two pictures are from last year - my how we have grown!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Smoky Mountains 2009

The last time we went to the Smokies, it was 8 years ago to celebrate the completion of PT school. We didn't have any children, we weren't even married. We hiked all day, biked Cades Cove, enjoyed good food and wine into the evening. Fast forward 8 years to our second experience. A tad bit different. We learned very quickly that we were going to have to adjust our expectations in order to enjoy ourselves with two toddlers. The first complete overcast day we hiked a few hundred feet and carried out a pizza when our kids were melting down in an Italian restaurant. We regrouped that evening, committed ourselves to a new frame of mind, and turned the week around as best we could.

On Monday, the first day of rain, we visited Ripley's Aquarium, and the kids loved it. We did too! Patrick was adamant about finding the sharks and Lucy was totally freaked out about the spider crabs.

On Tuesday, the most beautiful day of the week, we hiked to Laurel Falls. A total of 2.6 miles, at a snails pace. I believe we picked up every acorn along the way. The pace isn't the only adjustment with kids, our kids are pretty fearless or maybe just naive. They wanted to be down walking, running ahead, negotiating every slippery rock and splashing through every mud puddle, insistent on being dangerously close to the edge of the trail. Where I remember the waterfall as peaceful and serene, a chance to sit down and take in the beauty of nature -- it was quite stressful trying to keep two children from going over the edge and still allowing them to test the water temperature, feel the smoothness of the rocks. We continued on to Cades Cove, made the 11 mile loop and stopped at the Old Mill.

Wednesday and Thursday were pouring rain. As was Friday morning, when we decided to pack up and come home a day early. A different experience, this vacation was, but we still had a good time. The log cabin we stayed in was perfect, we had a crackling fire going constantly and the kids were always begging to get in the "hot pool" on the deck. Other highlights if you ask them after the "hot pool" would most likely be the aquarium, followed closely by the ice cream at Baskin Robbins where we gave them 50 cents to ride the motorcycle, the movie watching allowed by our portable DVD player in the vehicle (which, I might say, was the best investment we have made lately), and the McDonald's PlayPlace we hit up on the way home after stopping at the Bass Pro Shop and marveling at the huge aquarium in the center of the store.
Brian and I did take turns having little experiences -- he hiked an extreme 8 miles one afternoon when the kids napped and I ran into several little shops while he waited outside in the pouring rain, in a running vehicle with the kids. We found an ornament to celebrate and remember our visit to the park in it's 75th anniversary year, and enjoyed a big breakfast at a local favorite. Check out the slideshow for more pictures of our adventure!

Tucking in Patrick last night, he asked if we could go back to our Smoky Mountain house....but "with more people". Maybe in a few years, we told him....

Sunday, September 27, 2009

New Ride!

We stumbled upon a deal on a Gator offered by our neighbors....and the kids couldn't be happier. Lucy is content and actually insistent on riding shotgun, she won't even get in the drivers seat -- which is just fine with Patrick. After replacing the battery, we can get about an hour of tooling around the yard. And that's what they do -- ride continuously, both of them, and then it's back on the charger til tomorrow. It gives Brian and I such a thrill to watch them enjoy something we both wanted as kids!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

We had a nice long Labor Day weekend in Indianapolis. Friday morning we took the kids to Holliday Park, a nice big park on the north part of town with an awesome playground, hiking trails, and nature center. That evening, Grammie and Papa watched all 5 little ones and we met up with Cory and Carissa at The Cheesecake Factory for dinner and some shopping. Saturday morning we headed over to Anderson Orchards and picked apples, snacked on caramel apples and cider afterward. Daddy smoked dinner all afternoon and everyone came over to enjoy tenderloin and some more great family time that evening. Fun times!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Craft time continues...

Patrick has completed his 3rd day of preschool, and we couldn't have asked for a better start. His teachers say he is doing great and he shares quite a bit of his day with me when he gets home. Their day is very structured and includes table activities, stories, circle time, art activities and playing outside. Each day a child is assigned a snack/show and tell, so our turn is next Tuesday. We decided on trail mix and apple juice, Patrick thoroughly enjoyed the ingredient mixing and sampling tonight before bedtime! I have also noticed he is much more interested in his crafts, almost every day he asks to bring out his paints, crayons, pencils, glue, etc. Here is a picture of he and Lucy, engaged in their paintings :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fun with Friends

Lucas Rudulph, thrilled with the snappers
Adelyn Jo Gamblin, loving the brownies
Lucy, loving her hat and shirtless post-brownie
Axton Gamblin and Patrick discussing the fireworks being lit

We thoroughly enjoyed the fall-like weather this weekend, inviting friends over to enjoy a dinner of smoked meat and a few cold ones. The kids had a great time, got a little messy in the process, and loved seeing the fireworks light up the sky.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

First Day of Preschool

Today was Patrick's first day of preschool at Resurrection Catholic School. He woke up excited and bounded out the door with Daddy. Daddy called me shortly after they arrived, saying that Patrick was playing just fine and didn't even blink when he left. It was an odd morning for Lucy and I, she immediately asked where Patrick was, then stated repeatedly throughout the morning how "quiet" it was and that Patrick was at preschool. She is the age that he was when she was born, so it was different for me to have only a 20 month old at home, kind of ironic. We jogged and played, I included a picture of her lounging on our bed, loving the attention.

We picked up Patrick at 10:15 and I almost teared up when I saw the class filing out of the school in a single line with their backpacks on, sitting quietly and immediately on the bench until their parent arrived. Patrick smiled when he saw us and hopped down after Mrs Greulich told him we were here, immediately opening his bag to show me his prize for helping pick up toys. His teacher told us he had a great morning, participating in every activity and never once looking scared or sad. We received a daily note of their activities, which included playdoh, painting, reading books, singing songs, sharing their balloons, and having a snack. I did include a picture of his balloon, the first assignment from the open house Tuesday night, that served to introduce Patrick to his classmates. Don't worry, I won't photograph every single paper he brings home, but this was the first!! Lucy was happy to see Patrick, pointing to him and saying over and over -- "It's Patrick!"

Everyone aged today. Both my kids seemed older and Brian and I surely felt older, but it seemed right to be moving on to this next phase in our lives. I feel such comfort and happiness with Resurrection initially, I know this school will be a good fit for us.