Thursday, October 22, 2009

Falling leaves

Patrick is just about 3 1/2 and so excited that fall is here and he can make a big pile of leaves and jump in it. He's been asking to do this since, oh, maybe July. About as long as he has been asking to wear his "shoe jammies", aka fleece sleeper. He has completed 2 months of preschool and we are so happy. Every day he surprises us with things he is learning. Letters, numbers, counting past ten, and starting to write his name. We have definitely noticed how much better his interactions are with other children, that he is just that much more used to being around other kids and taking turns, sharing, etc. On most days :) We have started a "good behavior" chart at home, currently he is working toward going to the theater and seeing his first movie on the big screen this holiday season.

Lucy will be 2 in December. Which she will tell you that it is almost her birthday, and she is one but will be two soon. She loves her baby, named "Bingo". Of course, such a great name for a baby. She pushes her all over the house in her stroller, chatting up a storm. She is doing great in her big girl bed, in fact we just took the safety rail off. She continues to love Polar Express and this has become our little treat on Tues/Thurs morning when Patrick is at preschool, to snuggle up and watch it. She rides Patrick's old bike "like a maniac" and is always giving out big hugs and telling us that she loves us. She tries to count, knows pretty much all her colors, and several songs. With age, so has come some less desirable behavior and she spends her fair share of time in time out for hitting or back talking. Yes, back talking. A favorite phrase is "don't say that to me".

We are having the kids pictures taken in a few weeks and I am very hopeful that we will get some good ones! Maybe even some together!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Great photos!

Will we be seeing you guys for Halloween this year? Sure hope so. :)