Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween Party!

Getting ready for the St Mary's Halloween Party

Girls table at Resurrection Preschool Party :)

Enjoying the Halloween cupcakes

Patrick and friends Camden and Landon getting ready to "mummify" with TP

Patrick, Landon, and Camden making "candy corn guys"

Today was Patrick's Halloween Party at preschool! Myself and a few other mothers organized the party, everything from crafts to games and then snacks. My part was the craft, and the kids seemed to enjoy making the little candy corn guys. Lucy was one of the two siblings there as well, she really enjoyed all the toys and activities in the preschool room. It was neat for me to see Patrick engaging with his friends and interacting with his wonderful teachers...and also special for me to be able to be there helping with his party. It's something that my own mother was always a part of, and I feel lucky that I am able to give that gift to my own children. Enjoy the pictures!

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