Saturday, October 17, 2009

Smoky Mountains 2009

The last time we went to the Smokies, it was 8 years ago to celebrate the completion of PT school. We didn't have any children, we weren't even married. We hiked all day, biked Cades Cove, enjoyed good food and wine into the evening. Fast forward 8 years to our second experience. A tad bit different. We learned very quickly that we were going to have to adjust our expectations in order to enjoy ourselves with two toddlers. The first complete overcast day we hiked a few hundred feet and carried out a pizza when our kids were melting down in an Italian restaurant. We regrouped that evening, committed ourselves to a new frame of mind, and turned the week around as best we could.

On Monday, the first day of rain, we visited Ripley's Aquarium, and the kids loved it. We did too! Patrick was adamant about finding the sharks and Lucy was totally freaked out about the spider crabs.

On Tuesday, the most beautiful day of the week, we hiked to Laurel Falls. A total of 2.6 miles, at a snails pace. I believe we picked up every acorn along the way. The pace isn't the only adjustment with kids, our kids are pretty fearless or maybe just naive. They wanted to be down walking, running ahead, negotiating every slippery rock and splashing through every mud puddle, insistent on being dangerously close to the edge of the trail. Where I remember the waterfall as peaceful and serene, a chance to sit down and take in the beauty of nature -- it was quite stressful trying to keep two children from going over the edge and still allowing them to test the water temperature, feel the smoothness of the rocks. We continued on to Cades Cove, made the 11 mile loop and stopped at the Old Mill.

Wednesday and Thursday were pouring rain. As was Friday morning, when we decided to pack up and come home a day early. A different experience, this vacation was, but we still had a good time. The log cabin we stayed in was perfect, we had a crackling fire going constantly and the kids were always begging to get in the "hot pool" on the deck. Other highlights if you ask them after the "hot pool" would most likely be the aquarium, followed closely by the ice cream at Baskin Robbins where we gave them 50 cents to ride the motorcycle, the movie watching allowed by our portable DVD player in the vehicle (which, I might say, was the best investment we have made lately), and the McDonald's PlayPlace we hit up on the way home after stopping at the Bass Pro Shop and marveling at the huge aquarium in the center of the store.
Brian and I did take turns having little experiences -- he hiked an extreme 8 miles one afternoon when the kids napped and I ran into several little shops while he waited outside in the pouring rain, in a running vehicle with the kids. We found an ornament to celebrate and remember our visit to the park in it's 75th anniversary year, and enjoyed a big breakfast at a local favorite. Check out the slideshow for more pictures of our adventure!

Tucking in Patrick last night, he asked if we could go back to our Smoky Mountain house....but "with more people". Maybe in a few years, we told him....


Andy said...

Sounds like a GREAT time. We haven't done the traditional family vacation yet with the boys. We're starting to talk about it though. I might call for some pointers. ;)

Glad you all enjoyed it.

Jamie said...

I'm glad you guys had a good time despite the bad weather! As the kids get older, you may get to take some of those fun, longer hikes again! :) I agree with Patrick; it would be a fun trip with family or friends.