Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas time is here...

We created a new tradition this year, picking out and cutting down our tree at a farm just down the road from us. This farm is one we pass almost daily, and the kids and I always wave at the rows and rows of growing evergreens. So we tried it...and it was a blast! We spent about 30 mins finding the "perfect tree" and the kids enjoyed watching the owner buzz it down and shake off all the needles. We think it might be the best tree we have ever had! All of our Christmas decorations are up, including the New England village and Brian even put lights on the outside of the house for the first year. The kids and I have baked batches and batches of Christmas goodies for giving. Here is a picture of the kids in their Christmas jammies -- Lucy is wearing the ones that Patrick wore the year she was born :)


Carrie Ann Rudolph said...

My how quickly they grow :)

Jamie said...

I look forward to getting a real tree one day too!! I bet your house is buzzing with Christmas year this year.