Sunday, July 27, 2008

Weekend with Daddy...

Mommy had to work all weekend, so Daddy was "babysitting". My mom used to get so aggravated when we referred to my dad watching us as "babysitting", she would say -- "He's not the babysitter, he's your father!" In our minds, what was the difference -- neither one knew the routine or the rules. I do have to say that Brian does a GREAT job. He knows the routine and even takes the kids out - including Walmart! To actually shop. For things. That's commendable.

Lucy is changing so much every day. I am pretty sure she said "ma-ma", though of course she won't repeat it. She loves patty cake, and tries to clap her hands along with the song. On occasion, we have been able to get her to clap when we say "Yea for Lucy!"

Patrick now has his own cellphone -- some demo unit that the store was just going to pitch. He makes several calls a day, usually checking in with his Daddy at work. And if you ask him what Daddy does all day, besides drive the black truck around, he will tell you that he works on laptops.

The kids are sitting on our "picnic mat" in this picture. If the weather is nice, we almost always eat lunch out here -- and Patrick loves that!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I'm not surprised that Brian does so well with the kids! You guys are both great parents :) I hope the weather cools off soon, and you can enjoy many little picnics outside.