Tuesday, July 15, 2008

7 month check up

Lucy is 7 months old! She had her check up today, and she weighs 18 lbs 4 oz and is 28.5 inches tall -- consistent with the 90th+ percentiles we have been seeing. Our pediatrican was quick to point out she is "all Bretz, sorry Mommy". She is sitting up by herself, rolling both ways, and now saying "da-da" much to Daddy's joy. We are trying to upgrade to some new foods, trying some mashed peaches and bits of baked potato -- but not quite sure about the consistency. Lucy is going all night without eating more often than not lately -- 11 to 12 hrs straight -- which Mommy is THRILLED to see!

1 comment:

Carrie Ann Rudolph said...

Wow!! Lucy is getting so big. She is such a cutie pie!! I love the huge grin! I know I've said it 100 times, but we've got to get these little ones together again.