Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Fun week!

We had a great week! Daddy was on vacation and we did all kinds on fun things! We went to McDonald's for lunch, took some nice walks (even one down by the river), swam at New Harmony pool (Patrick loved the slide -- they went down over and over and over, even Lucy enjoyed splashing in the baby pool), and treated ourselves to dinner at Hacienda. Friday we headed up to Indy and hit the Children's Museum on the way. Saturday we stopped by the McNulty family reunion (where else can you drink a beer in mass?) and went over to the parish festival that afternoon. It was REALLY hot, Patrick was the most content on the rides (yea- air flow!) and with his elephant ear and lemon shake-up. As usual, everyone met back at Grammie and Papa's for dinner each night -- aunts and uncles, cousins too -- which is a really FUN tradition we enjoy with Mommy's family. We can't wait to go back in August!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

It sounds like you had a terrific vacation! The kids are getting so big!