Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Summer days...

Most of our days are spent outside--we rarely come in, actually. Every day Patrick asks to have a picnic with "2 chips", so even our meals are outside. Makes for a nice clean up, though! Patrick is pretty helpful with the watering -- there is no lack of hydration for our landscaping. The past couple of days we have taken some nice walks/jogs mid-morning, to the tune of Patrick cheering "Go, Mommy, go!" He has become quite the momma's boy lately, looking at me several times during the day with a soft smile on his face and saying "No work, Mommy home". Lucy is sitting up pretty independently these days. She can now roll from her back to her belly --which we have yet to witness during the day--she has woken herself up a few times when she has done this during the night. I have been wondering if some teeth might be poking through soon -- we had a nice crying spell last night and she is just going to town on her toys and her hands. She loves her books and just realized that we have a cat -- sorry, Chloe!

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