Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Rules of the Game

Patrick loves his vehicles. Loves them. We have so many tractors, implements, dump trucks, diggers, semi's -- you name it. Recently, we made a barn out of a shoe box and that has been a huge hit. However, there are some rules. Only Patrick can drive the black pick-up and trailer. He selects your vehicle -- usually it is one of the less cool, or broken, ones that can be yours to borrow until you start doing awesome jumps or making neat sounds. Then it is his again. All but one of the tractors are green, but in Patrick's world they are all blue. One tractor is responsible for transferring bales of hay to the trailers or wagons, and all the hay is kept in the barn. Vehicles can come in and out of the barn, no one is allowed to stay in there for any extended length of time. This is a working operation. Everyone must sit on the floor around the coffee table to play, no sitting on the couches. Lucy may not disrupt the farm. These are the rules as we are realizing them, just in case any of you would like to play some day.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Hilarious!! It's funny how many rules you can make at such a young age.