Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Warmer days ahead of us...

We have been keeping quite busy these last few weeks. We've had our share of home projects and the usual outdoor chores that come with warmer weather. It's nice this year that Brian is actually able to cut the yard while the kids play around him. A first since Patrick has been born! We spend a lot of time playing in the yard, picnicking out our back door, riding bikes, jogging, and playing on the swingset. We've caught frogs and turtles, and pet the horses that belong to our neighbor.

Patrick is wrapping up the last few weeks of preschool and preparing for his 4th birthday on the 22nd. Tomorrrow night is the end of the year program at Resurrection, which we are all looking forward to. The theme is dinosaurs and the kids are going to be dressed as paleontologists. Should be pretty sweet -- definitely getting out the video camera for this one. He is well into his tumbling class at Mega, and really enjoying it. In fact, yesterday I caught him doing a back walkover off our bed! He continues to make us laugh, this weekend telling us urgently that he heard on his weather radio that "there's going to be a storm on Earth!". His energy, curiousity, and determination often get him in the corner, but we try to remember that these personality traits will serve him very well as he grows up.

Lucy is beginning to enter a defiant stage, trying out the word "no" and running away from us when we call her. Patrick scolds her like he has heard SOOOO many times before, today I heard him threatening to put a toy up in response to her behavior and he said to me "I just don't know what is WRONG with her today!". I guess it reaffirms that HE isn't deaf to our discipline :) Regardless, she is very sweet and intelligent. Spells her name and loves reading her books, like her brother. And mother :) Loves her weekly tumbling class as well (correcting her Dad's reference to her 'tutu' by saying "It's not a tutu is a LEOTARD"), and is practically crawling up the plexiglass during Patrick's time. No interest in potty training, and I have no interest in pushing it either. Probably end up pulling the same "they don't make diapers anymore for three year olds" card that worked like a charm for her brother.

The kids are excited about the beach and spending time with their cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents and then some. We are really hoping the oil steers clear of St George Island, so we can enjoy a week of relaxation on the beach and fishing in the ocean. They have moments of nice play, both loving to pretend. I think this week they have been cats with twine tied around their waists (a tail, of course) as well as turtles with backpacks on (their shell). The Gator is still very popular and Patrick loves chauferring her around the yard. And our bed is apparently a prime spot to watch cartoons :)

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