Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothers Day Weekend

What a great Mothers Day weekend! We headed up to Indy early Friday morning and celebrated Aunt Colleen and Uncle Phil's 25th wedding anniversary at Hillcrest Country Club that evening. Saturday morning we worked in the yard a bit after Brian tilled up a newly expanded bed in my parents backyard. Later that morning, Mom, Molly and I went shopping and out to lunch at Paradise, one of our favorites. After mass that evening, everyone came back to Mom and Dad's for tacos and more fun. Mothers Day morning we had a nice breakfast, walked to the park with the kids, and Brian and I went for a nice quiet jog while Grammie kept the kids. That evening we had dinner at Molly and Doug's to celebrate his graduation as well as Mothers Day. Patrick gave me a very nice handmade card and a potted flower that he made at preschool. We jammied the kids up and headed home late, a trial to what it will be like when we drive through the night next month as we head down south. Patrick was asleep within minutes and Lucy jabbered for a bit, but both were sound asleep when we pulled in the driveway. A very peaceful end to Mother's Day. I can't wait to use my gift from the kids -- a pedicure before vacation! I am so blessed.

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