Thursday, May 20, 2010

Last Day of Preschool

Wow. Where has this year gone? Today was Patrick's last day of preschool. He has grown up so much this year and we couldn't be happier with Resurrection and his progress. Patrick is one of the younger ones in his class, so we have decided to give him another year of preschool before pre-K, so we are very fortunate to be able to spend the next 3 years with Ms. Greene and Mrs. Greulich between the two kids. Besides the academic portion, he has grown so much socially and spiritually as we have become a greater part of the Parish. In fact, most of his questions about God, Jesus, and heaven leave us fumbling for an answer. His best friend is a little girl named Aubree, and we have become closer to her family. Fortunately for us, her sister Alyssa will be in Patrick's class next year and throughout the coming years. When I was a kid, it was tradition to go to McDonald's on the last day of school for lunch. So that's what we did today, and half a dozen of his friends joined us. Hello summer!

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