Monday, May 31, 2010

Brian turns 32!

Froggy potty goes everywhere with us!

We had a very nice long weekend at home. Friday night we went out to dinner to celebrate Brian's birthday. Saturday we worked around the house and that evening we were very fortunate to have a few hours kid-free (big thank you to G&G Bretz!). So, we did what we used to do pre-kids. We got the bikes down and rode around 20 miles through the hills of St Wendel, down thru St Joe, and then back home across 66. We threw in a pizza, and had a few beers -- all in front of the TV! On Sunday, Brian turned 32. The kids were so happy to give him his gifts they picked out -- a rubber tent mallet from Patrick (?) and a new water bottle from Lucy. We also picked out some new sandals for the beach, an American-pride t-shirt, and a nice map of Yellowstone for this summer. After breakfast, we loaded up and headed out to New Harmonie for the morning. The boys fished a little bit (like 20 mins, per Patrick 'the fish just weren't biting!'), and the kids rode their bikes and played on the playground. After grilling hotdogs, we headed home for naps. That evening, the Bretz's came down to celebrate over carrot cake and ice cream.
In other news, Lucy has made some great strides over the weekend. Only one near-miss today and many unprompted successes with the potty training. She is very close to getting the big prize -- a shopping cart she has been eyeing at Target. She also has learned how to pedal her trike. A big weekend for a little girl!

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