Saturday, December 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!

Happy Birthday, Sweetness. We can hardly believe this day is here. Lucy has grown so much over the past year, and she is a true blessing to our family. We celebrated this evening -- a lasagna dinner and a butterfly cake. The presents were overflowing, including a stroller, an American Girl baby doll, a tea set, and lots of books, hair accessories, and stuffed toys. Quite a bit of family travelled down from Indy including Grammie, Aunt Maribeth, Uncle Jason and Henry to join the party, in addition to all the family that is here in town. Patrick was eager to help her open gifts, and then of course play with her gifts. He had his orange-iced cupcake picked out since early this morning, and he even helped mix up the icing for her cakes. Lucy was a tad hesitant on diving into her cake, which honestly was surprising, but her brother was right there to assist!


Andy said...

Happy Birthday from the Rudolphs.

Jamie said...

Happy Birthday, Lucy! I'm glad you had a wonderful day.