Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We spent the holiday up in Indy and had a great time! Thanksgiving Day was at Grammie and Papa's, the day after was spent shopping with the girls (boys babysat :), and Saturday we headed to, where else, the Children's Museum. Grammie offered to stay home with Lucy, so we had the luxury of a special morning with Patrick. How did we ever think we were busy with one child? We weren't. The trip was fun and we look forward to returning in 3 weeks for our Christmas weekend -- including Breakfast with Santa at the State Museum! Yea! The pictures I included are of Lucy enjoying her dinner, Grandpa carving the turkey with a close observer, and Patrick holding Baby Shea (who he insisted was his baby and absolutely loved holding her -- we informed him he missed the boat on his baby).


Carrie Ann Rudolph said...

Looks like you guys had a great time and the pictures are just adorable!

Jamie said...

I'm sure it was really nice to enjoy the museum with Patrick! Lucy probably enjoyed her day with Grammie too. :) Glad you guys had a nice Thanksgiving weekend.