Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

This has been our best Christmas in a long time, being that Patrick is now old enough to begin to understand the concept of Santa. We went to mass at St. Francis last night and then headed over to to Brian's parents for the Bretz family Christmas. After snacking, the gift opening followed upstairs, Patrick scurrying up the steps saying "dash away, dash away, dash away!" The kids were bushed after the evening and Brian and I got to work to the background tune of "A Christmas Story". This morning started early and Patrick was absolutely estatic to see his train table and new pieces (especially Cranky the Crane) under the window after realizing Santa's cookies were gobbled up....and it just went on from there. Lucy enjoyed unwrapping and got to work immediately on her laptop at the breakfast table. After breakfast, we realized that Santa left a gift out in the carport, apparently it couldn't fit in the house, and his new trike was the last gift given this Christmas. We are so blessed, so fortunate, to have these kids and this life. Check out the additions to the slideshow -- sorry, I know it is over 100 images! Merry Christmas!!!!

1 comment:

Carrie Ann Rudolph said...

Looks like the whole family had a great time!