Wednesday, December 17, 2008

12 month check up

Lucy had her 12 mo check up today and she sure has grown! She is 22 lbs 3 oz (25th percentile) and 31 inches tall (75th percentile). So long and lean. She is right on schedule for everything, not yet walking but has taken a step unsupported a few times. Dr. Goldman was surprised at all the words she is saying, I guess 15-20 words is unusual for a 12 month old. Although we did think it was kinda freaky last week when she said "thank you, Daddy" after Patrick did when Brian gave them both dishes of ice cream after dinner. I attribute that to the fact that she is a girl and the constant chatter that surrounds her. Lucy was pretty much in a panic when she saw the familiar nurse and especially when she was laid down on the paper covered table, which is so interesting because Patrick never seemed to remember one visit to the next. 3 vacinnations for her, 1 for him (such a trooper) and we were outta there til March!

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