Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sweet Baby Girl

Lucy has now learned that she can use her legs to propel herself forward, so it won't be long now before she is in a full crawl. You can see her 2 bottom teeth pretty well in this picture, and we think her top two are cutting through. In addition to waving and clapping, she will give sloppy open mouth kisses and say "meow" sometimes when you ask her about the kitty cat. I am pretty sure she says "duck duck duck" in the bathtub when she is playing, too. She has long outgrown her infant carseat, loving the more upright view of Patrick hamming it up next to her. Pure entertainment. And we have moved over to the big girl high chair, storing the old monster away (thank the Lord, I hated that thing). This little girl will eat anything and everything, and a ton of it at that. Taco meat, spaghetti, pizza, PBandJ -- she'll belly up to the table with the best of ya! :) About 10 more weeks and our baby will be celebrating her first birthday!


Jamie said...

Lucy--You are too cute and growing so quickly!!

Carrie Ann Rudolph said...

My how time flies. She is adorable and I can't believe all the words she is saying.