Wednesday, October 29, 2008

There she goes!

Lucy finally decided she had had enough of waiting on everyone else to tote her around and retrieve items --she finally took off crawling at 10.5 months. Thank goodness! And I mean took off - what was just a foot or two yesterday was the length of the living room tonight. I shouldn't say she hasn't been moving, but it's been this army-crawling for the last 6 weeks. Today was her first significant length on all a 4's, true creeping. It's the PT in me, can't help it. She has discovered a whole new world and is delighting in destroying Patrick's train set and removing all the books from the lower shelves of the bookcase. Chloe the cat is realizing she has another small tornado to reckon with. I had to post this picture because it captures how proud she is -- it just so happened to be after a container of pudding for dessert and before bathtime!


Carrie Ann Rudolph said...

Yeah Lucy!! What a big girl!

Jamie said...

Woo-hoo!! Way to go, Lucy!