Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

What a great time! Patrick was a John Deere farmer and Lucy was a pumpkin. Actually, if you ask Patrick, he will tell you he was dressed as "Bill' because that is the name of one of the old farmers on his John Deere DVD. We trick or treated to a couple of our neighbors and then headed over to Oakfield subdivision to meet up with Rudolphs and Hills. Lucas was a pirate, and a very cute one at that! Patrick quickly caught on to the concept of the occasion and was excitedly running up to each stoop, ringing the bell, and raking in the loot. He actually did better than we expected, being okay with not immediately unwrapping everything that landed in his pumpkin bucket. Lucy thought it was less fun, but did enjoy a fruit roll up and some teddy grahams. Off to Grandma's was a brief, final visit and then on home. Check out the slide show for more great pictures. Oh, and I included a picture of Patrick from last year. Pumpkin look familiar?


Jamie said...

Glad you guys stopped by! The kids were adorable.

Andy said...

We had a blast as well. So glad to have someone to Trick-or-treat with for our first time. Patrick sure showed the little ones how its done!