Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fall Break in Indy

The kids and I headed up to Indy for the week while Brian was at some training in Las Vegas. It was pretty perfect -- Grammie was on break from school for several weeks, so we got to spend lots and lots of time with her and Papa and everyone else. We went to the Children's Museum, the park, the library, and even visited a turtle farm. We also visited Great-Grandpa McNulty. Patrick thought he was especially cool because he gave him several pieces of candy, a cookie, and his "own" can of soda. And he got to unlock Grandpa's door by himself. The kids loved spending time with their cousins, and we met Baby Shea for the first time, who is 5 weeks old. We think she's a keeper. Patrick learned to pedal a tricycle (hmmm, Santa?) and Lucy is getting more and more mobile every day. She is pulling up to stand by herself finally, moving from belly to and from sit all the time, and army-crawling when she is really motivated. She is saying "cat" and "hi" (sometimes together) and learning how to hand over a toy when asked if you can play with it/have a taste of it. And the hair -- red and getting longer and curlier. What a fun, fun week!! Oh, and Daddy had a good time, too :)

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I'm glad you guys had a nice trip! Congrats to Patrick on learning to use a trike and to Lucy on standing. How cool!!!