Sunday, July 26, 2009

Summer days

The kids are getting so big, it's been a while since I've written about all the things they are doing and saying.

Patrick is getting ready to start preschool at Resurrection in less than a month! He will go Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 7:45 to 10:15. We picked out his backpack ("Cars") last week and he has been proudly wearing it around the house. It will be a great thing for him, we are all really excited although it will be different and a little sad. He continues to be very active and curious, it's just amazing how much more skilled he is at the playground on all the equipment and manuevering his bike all around the yard. He loves to practice hitting balls in the backyard, we will have to think about t-ball next summer. He has many questions, which the given answer typically brings another question. I've had to ponder many things that I haven't every really given much thought to, like the fact that you can hear thunder but see lightning (of which he is terrified of, only at night though). Or why some vehicles have multiple tailpipes and some have one, and why that tailpipe is on the back or side. Out of my league, those questions are deferred to Daddy. For a while there, he had a "tailpipe" on his bike. He and Daddy enjoy building fires, roasting marshmallows, and even camped out in the backyard one night recently. Unlike his sister, he will eat most things, but I remember the days when he was pickier. He is very excited about his new "secret" bed that we have ordered (aka trundle) and has all kinds of plans for jumping and having people sleep in his room with him :) It will be nice for the kids to be able to bunk up together when family is in town.

Lucy also has a backpack ("Disney princesses") and says that she is "ready to go"...but is going nowhere. I just re-did her room in pinks and yellows and she will be getting into her big girl bed tomorrow night for the first time. Her vocabulary, comprehension, and expression continue to grow and entertain us. She speaks in complete sentences and is always asking us "what doing?" or "but WWWHHYY??" Everything she hears that Patrick is doing, she wants to "do too" and when you ask her who did something she will say "Lucy did it!". She still says she is "three" when asked, but quickly follows with "one" when doubted. Her favorite songs are the "Itsy Bitsy Spider", "Humpty Dumpty" and she will sing you "Rain rain go away". Patrick often warns her in the van that we will be only be listening to each song once, and then it will be on to the next song (he prefers "This Old Man" and "The Farmer in the Dell").

Here is a picture of the kids swinging in the backyard enjoying some apples from our tree. Patrick has been eating them for weeks (gross) but they are just now edible. We can hardly believe how big the the kids are! We are planning our first big family vacation down to the Smokies in October, we think they will have a great time since they both love to "hike" :)

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