Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Meet Daisy!

On our walk yesterday afternoon, the kids and I stumbled across the sweetest little gray kitten. Of course, they had to stop and pet the cat. And pet and play and pick her up. And there were many tears when we left it behind. But not for long, since she followed us. I felt bad and let Patrick hold her on the walk....and she made it home with us....and scored a nice blanket and food and water on our deck. Where she was waiting at the door for us this morning, meowing. Mommy and Daddy caved, we let her in. Chloe, our 6 year old cat, is the least enthusiastic about this new addition to the home. We named her Daisy (really hoping Mommy is right and she is a girl, but figure shortening to Daze if need be is pretty easy :). I figure she is maybe 6-8 weeks old. Really playful and sweet, loves the kids and snuggles right up to both of them during those little bursts of naps that kittens take throughout the day. We have to remind the kids that she is a kitten, that her scratching and biting is just her way of playing and she really does NOT need to be carried around all day. We went to Target and picked up her own bowls and food, as well as some toys that Chloe LONG ago lost interest in. She is scheduled to see the vet on Friday. We are hopeful that with some time, Chloe will begin to appreciate this new friend :)

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Daisy already appears to be quite spoiled!