Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

This is our first Halloween in our new home, obviously, but this holiday particularly is special for that reason. We have trick or treated in our current neighborhood for the past two years, meeting up with friends. I often said how much I would like to live here, and we even walked past our now home last Halloween, newly finished and up for sale. Funny how things have a way of working themselves out :)

Anyhow, this was my weekend to work. Naturally. We carved our jack-o-lantern Friday night and Brian spent today making a big pot of chili. True to tradition, we met up with friends a few doors down and hit up the neighborhood. Daddies pulling coolers of beer and kids walking (what?), enjoying the beautiful day and raking in the loot. Patrick was a dinosaur and Lucy a princess, so excited to don the costumes that have been hanging in their closets for weeks now. We ended up with several people back at our house, eating chili, drinking beer and spiked cider, and plenty of kids underfoot. Happy Halloween!!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Cute kids, great chili! Thanks for a wonderful afternoon/evening!