Friday, July 16, 2010

New Home!

We closed on our brand new home on Friday, July 9th. And sold our old home on Boberg at the same time. An ideal situation, we were very fortunate. I had taken the kids up to Terre Haute on Thursday night where my sister, Molly, met me and brought the rascals the rest of the way to Indy for the week.

We painted like maniacs from Friday night until mid-day on Monday. And got the entire house minus the laundry room finished. Which I did agree to leave white :) Looking back, I have no idea how we got it done. We had a system -- I trimmed, Brian rolled. We are a great team! Tuesday morning we backed up the UHaul to our old house and started the moving processs. It was greatly helped by Brian's brother, Mike, who spent his entire "day off" helping us. By 4 pm that evening, just about everything was moved over and we were deep into unpacking. We spent the next couple of days unpacking, organizing, and running errands. I have to say that I was very proud of our perseverance, but most of that was driven by the realization that whatever doesn't get done NOW will take twice as long with twice the amount of stress with the kids underfoot :)

The home is beautiful. The neighbors are great. We have taken walks the past few nights and clocked 2 miles around the entire subdivision, which will be a great course for jogging. And it will be great to let the kids ride their bikes on our walks, which they were not able to do on Boberg.

THANK YOU SO MUCH to my parents and siblings for helping with the kids this past week. We have been able to get sooooo much done, and relax a teeny bit too :) I know the kids have had a great time touring the city of Indy (from what I understand they have done the Childrens Museum, multiple parks, the pool, seen Toy Story 3 at the theater, had a slumber party with the cousins a time or two, and just had a blast spending time with the family). Mom is bringing them home this afternoon and we are REALLY excited to see them and show them their new home. Funny that this is most likely the only home they will ever know, I really don't know if they will remember their first home. We will. It was a good home for us, we were a little sad leaving, but it's time to move on.

Stop in and visit anytime. Cold beer is always waiting!

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