Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Craft time!

The kids are on a roll with "projects" lately. Especially Patrick. It's such a neat thing to see such creativity and persistence. We have been slowly building our "project box" with construction paper, markers and crayers, glue, scissors, hole punches, pipe cleaners, pom-poms, beads, yarn, etc, etc, etc. We save everything that appears (or not so much) to be reusable in a project such as empty paper towel holders, food containers, and soda boxes. Yesterday's masterpieces include a bird costume and a pipe cleaner hat. And doesn't every mother want a large yogurt container punched with holes and thread with orange yarn and pipe cleaners on their nightstand? It just completes the look. I was relieved when Daddy got home and confirmed that no, he didn't need that box for his cord reel anymore. Because it had been transformed into a costume. At the Children's Museum last week we spent the greatest amount of time at the project table where they had a tub of empty paper towel holders, duct tape, and Scotch tape. Might be a very inexpensive Christmas for us this year :)

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