Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring Break in Indy

The kids and I headed up to Indy for a few days over Spring Break. Patrick was off, as well as my Mom so it was perfect timing. Our weekends are pretty full these days with work and fun, so it's really nice when we can spend a few days mid-week up with the family.

Monday was Molly's birthday (big 27), so Bridget was kind enough to watch the kids while we shopped and Mom treated all the girls to PF Chang's -- yummy! Tuesday we went to the Children's Museum, which is always a big treat. They have a Barbie exhibit (yeah for Lucy) and a Bob the Builder exhibit (yeah for Patrick) currently as well as the multitude of other attractions. Wednesday we went to Holliday Park, one of our favorites on the north side of town and McDonalds for lunch.

Wednesday afternoon I was able to go Grandpa's doctor's appointment along with my Dad. Grandpa was diagnosed last week with stage 4 colon cancer. He is undergoing a resection next Thursday morning and potentially follow up chemotherapy. Our family is very close and Grandpa is the patriarch in many ways, so this news has hit all of us with quite a blow. Please keep Grandpa, his surgeons and team, and all of our family in your prayers now, next week, and for the upcoming months as Grandpa battles this cancer.


Carrie Ann Rudolph said...

Maghan looks like the kids had a great visit in Indy! Sorry to hear about your grandfather, we will keep you and your family in our prayers.

Jamie said...

I'm glad you had a nice trip! My thoughts and prayers are with your grandpa and the entire family.