Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy St Patrick's Day, etc

We have been busy this week! The weather has been beautiful in southern Indiana, and we spent most of our time outside. I managed to paint our entire family room, an accomplishment in itself in anticipation of new flooring next week. Tuesday we visited the zoo and the park. The kids were wearing their green, of course, on St. Patrick's to celebrate our Irish heritage on Wednesday. Patrick had 'occupation day' at school on Thursday. He chose to be a 'computer fix it guy'. Go figure. He was so excited to have his own badge and computer bag. His teachers were very impressed when he named off the contents in his bag - "computer cable, network cable, phone cable...". He looked JUST like Brian. Saturday we went over to Lake Celena for the day, did several small hikes, played, and ate lunch. Five months have passed since our Smokey Mountain trip, it's impressive how much stronger Patrick was hiking. The kids loved "fishing" in the lake with sticks...I guess Brian will be taking at least Patrick on some outings this summer. I would be very surprised if we get to September and haven't purchased a canoe or some other type of boat :)

The kids and I are up to Indy tomorrow til Thursday, expect some fun pictures next weekend to share!

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