Thursday, January 14, 2010


It seems crazy that Patrick will be celebrating his fourth birthday in four months. Where does the time go?? He has grown up so much this year, going to preschool has been a big part of that. He really enjoys his time there and has made several friends and become attached to his teachers. I have heard them say "we love our Patrick hugs!" He is very affectionate and loving, telling me daily that he loves me and I am the best Mommy in the world. Always nice to hear :)

He loves to "read" and enjoys talking about the pictures in books as he turns the pages. To either himself or his little sister. He now realizes that words have meanings and has begun to ask us "what does this say?". He is very creative with his Legos and playdoh and also has started drawing pictures. We have learned to say "tell me about this one" and not "what is that?' He can write most of the letters in his name, though certainly not in order :) We have also started playing Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders...which is interesting. I think he might have inherited some of his mother's competitiveness.

I believe the days of Patrick napping are coming to a close, as we have been expecting. But he does a very good job of observing "quiet time" so Mommy can have some time to rest and relax. And he knows that if he stays in bed til his 'sun' comes up, he doesn't have to take a nap that day. He loves his movies and has found a new appreciation for the classic cartoons, including "Tom and Jerry". And when he feels like it, he can get himself dressed -- which is a huge help. He continues to be a very active, curious child. It is almost painful to watch a movie with him because of the constant stream of questions! He loves his sister and for the most part they play pretty well together. They are a good combination...each thinks that the other is just hilarious!!

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