Thursday, January 14, 2010


Lucy just celebrated her 2nd birthday, and she is doing so many things we can hardly keep up with her. I just had quite a bit of her hair trimmed up, and her new mass of curls is fitting with her personality. She is very adult-like in her demeanor, complete with the heavy *sighs* and exasperated "Fine!" when you ask her to do something. Last night we asked her if she wanted to play kitchen and she said "How bout let's not?". She knows all her colors, counts to 10, and recites her ABC's with grand finale of " time don't sing with me". She has gotten so tall, but her weight remains fairly consistent at under 30 lbs. Daddy calls her "Stringbean" which she says "That is NOT my name".
Lucy loves to color, paint, play name it. She says she will wear big girl panties when she is "this tall", indicating high above her head. She keeps us laughing all day long! Lucy is at a big advantage with Patrick, she is often learning right along beside him and struggling to keep up. And we treat her like she is older as well, I have often caught myself having conversations with her that are well beyond her years!

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