Thursday, June 25, 2009

3 year and 18 month check ups

Today we had our check ups, and here are the results:

Patrick, at 3 years old, is 38 pounds and 39.5 inches tall. He did great. Hopped up onto the scale, let the nurse take his blood pressure, and attempted to comfort and distract his sister during her exam. The doctor was pleased and surprised to see him out of diapers (even got a urine sample out of him!). We discussed his starting preschool in the fall and she suggested a speech evaluation at that time since he is dropping a few of his letters when he speaks. No big deal.

Lucy, at 18 months, is almost 27 pounds and 34.5 inches tall. The size of an average toddler 8 months older than her. Surprise, surprise both kids are in the 90-95th + percentile. Lucy was not nearly as cooperative as her brother, however was comforted some by his efforts (I was so proud of him). In her defense, she had to get her last set of baby vaccinations. Also unlike her brother, her speech continues to be advanced -- so much that we can skip her 2 year check up and neither will need to be seen for another year! YEA!!

McDonalds Playplace served as a good reward. Glad to be done with that and for very healthy, happy, beautiful children. Thank you, God.

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