Thursday, November 6, 2008


I feel like we focus too much on what Lucy is doing because her developments are so noticeable, but Patrick is growing every day as well. He is almost 2 1/2, will be in a couple of weeks exactly. He is getting so big -- gaining 5 lbs and 3 inches since the spring. We are working on cutting with scissors, using markers and crayons, and holding silverware the right way. He is running full board, so we are practicing hopping and jumping, skipping and galloping. He is a little helper -- right up there to add ingredients, mix batter, and fix a sandwich. And of course, picking up sticks in the yard or loading up the trailer with Daddy. We are practicing dressing for the day and helping with chores like gathering laundry, setting the table, and making his bed. He does everything full throttle and tries to be very independent, whether or not he can actually do a particular task. He recognizes the primary colors and we are moving on to shapes and counting. He is trying to understand the concept of money and buying things. His vocabulary is increasing every day, including funny phrases like "we've got plenty" or "sometimes" or "might be". I got some great pictures of him this morning, capturing his personality in such a perfect way. Check out the slideshow.

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