Saturday, November 15, 2008

11 months old

Lucy's first birthday is 4 weeks away today exactly. We can hardly believe how quickly the year has flown by. She is crawling all over the house, having mastered the only two steps we have very quickly -- the up part, that is. She loves to turn around at the top and "jump" off. I think that is from watching her brother. In fact, she wants to be doing everything that he is doing. She is totally done with her bottles and formula in general, not really by our doing, but her's. Just decided one day she was done with them :) Every now and then we can get her to drink a little bit of soy milk out of her 'big girl cup'. Lucy is becoming much more mischevious as well -- when she is done eating or simply doesn't like the options in front of her, she starts dropping things onto the floor. To the tune and encouragement of her brother laughing. And she is very sensitive as well, her face just crumples when you tell her 'no'. She is becoming very jealous of Patrick and protective of me -- when the three of us are playing on the floor and he tries to sit on my lap, she stands up and and tries to pull him off my lap or -- better yet -- hit him in the face. We have caught her a few times standing very briefly unsupported when she is closely focused on a toy in her hand, but I would be very very surprised if she is walking by her birthday like her brother was. The words are just tumbling out -- adding 'tractor', 'truck', and 'cracker' lately -- giving her around a dozen words or so. We are so excited for her birthday! Oh, almost forgot. This picture is her "praying". She knows that food follows the prayer, so she is always anxious to get on with it!

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