Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Lucy!

Yesterday we celebrated Lucy's 3rd birthday. Wow. Time flies. Three seems so much older than two, for some reason. We are back to that time of year when we can say we have kids a year apart, a four year old and a three year old. Sounds crazier :)

The day started off not so well with Lucy waking up sick in the night, but she had a very speedy recovery. We had tacos for dinner and I was able to pull off a rather bear-ish looking kitty cat cake. We got her a camera among other things, this was by far her favorite. She was showered by gifts from everyone else, including a beautiful homemade doll carrier with matching diaper bag and several outfits from none other than Grandma Bretz. Other fav's include a Barbie doll, a puppy in a carrier, and a whole set of baby doll accessories.

Happy Birthday, sweet girl. You have enriched our lives in so many many ways. Your red curls and impish smile can melt any heart. We love you so much!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I'm so happy to hear that Lucy got to feeling better for her big day! Happy 3rd Birthday, Lucy!