Thursday, August 26, 2010

First Days...

Patrick completed his 3rd day of preschool today, and the growth from this year to last is just amazing. We have decided to give him an extra year of preschool, probably one of the best decisions we have made. He has school Tuesday and Thursday mornings, same classroom and same wonderful teachers at Resurrection. His behavior in general and interactions with his classmates has matured so much. He is excited to go to school in general, walks in without the hesitation that was so pronounced last year. With some prodding from us, he is attempting to make some new friends. He offers more information about his day and is much more interested in sitting down and working on projects, writing his name, counting, reading, etc.

Lucy started dance/tumbling class tonight. She had her leotard on after breakfast and had several crying jags when she realized it was gonna be a while. She very much enjoys having something of her own - brother has school and she has tumbling. Lucy is pretty shy around most everyone except a select few she feels very comfortable with, so this is a great opportunity for her to be exposed to other kids and another adult (NOT me), plus get all the physical and academic benefits. Ok, that sounded ridiculous...but I am a PT. Anyhow, she loved it. Pretty much as long as I was the primary adult guiding her, she was all about the songs and dancing and tumbling. And our good friend, Lucas Rudolph, is in the same class, so that is a double bonus.

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