Friday, February 19, 2010

Play date!

We have been having fun playing with our preschool friends! Patrick's "best friend" is a little girl named Aubree and we have gotten together twice with Mom's and kids for a fun morning. Yesterday, we invited a little boy named Camden over to play after school. It was interesting for me to see the difference in play between the two friends. I think Lucy was pretty intimidated by the noise level with the boys yesterday, wheras Aubree seems to calm Patrick down. Funny how women at any age have that effect :) Patrick and Camden will be in the same class next year, and continuing on together thru Resurrection, so it wouldn't be a bad thing if these two struck up a friendship.


Jamie said...

I'm sure Lucy will look forward to the days that her brother has friends over one of these days! Cute pic of the boys.

Maghan said...

That is what I am thinking :) Being one year apart in school will be beneficial for both of them...