Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

The anticipation is finally over and Christmas Day is here. I feel like we have been preparing for days and days, which I suppose we have with our paper chain Patrick has been diligently shortening since the first of the month. We began our festivities with 3:30 mass on Christmas Eve at Resurrection. Probably the shortest mass I have ever been to on that day, setting a record at under 35 minutes. The church was packed, as Father joked there was certainly "no more room at the inn". We came home for a bit and, as promised, allowed the kids to enjoy a "whole bottle of root beer" for excellent church behavior. They were very good, even caused a few laughs around us when Patrick complained rather loudly that "I can't see Baby Jesus, there are too many people!!'.

Bretz Family Christmas was celebrated following mass, and almost everyone was in attendance. We surely missed the Weiss clan, who were stuck up in Indy with sick kiddos. The Christmas treats were plentiful, as always, and the kids loved their 'pillow pals' from the grandparents. Brian and I received a restaurant gift card and a coupon redeemable for a night of babysitting...which is about the best gift we could have received! After gifts and getting jammies on, it was back home to prepare for Santa. Previously decorated cookies were set out alongside a glass of milk, and a bowl of reindeer chow. Luckily, Grammie and Papa ran into Santa this week and he asked her to send us his "magic key" that allows entry for him into homes without chimneys. After hanging that on our door, it was off to bed.

I was awoken once at 2 am, by a anxious little boy asking if Santa had come...but we were able to hold him off until after 6 am. The kids were thrilled to see their trikes, tent, and stocking full of goodies. Patrick was much more focused on simply getting through the gifts, which was quite different from Lucy who tended to get distracted by each new item. Favorites of Patrick's are the fleet of semi's, rescue helicopter, and the couple dozen of new Matchbox cars. Which he has promised NOT to take the tires off :) Lucy loves her baby, jewelry, brown boots "like Mommy's" and purse. And Daddy and I raked up pretty well, too. The kids picked out some very nice Christmas jewelry for me, and a pocket knife and charcoal starter for Daddy. Patrick made us a sweet gift at preschool, which we will always treasure. Our first gift made at school :) He was very excited, telling us we could "hang it in our room, but it's glass, so don't break it".

Today is a lazy day for us, as usual. Hence, I can get all this posted :) I have included a short slideshow as well. We don't leave our house, the kids just play all day. Tonight I am making a big turkey dinner and Daddy and I will open up a bottle of red wine to celebrate. Next week we head up to Indy to celebrate with the rest of the family over New Years. Merry Christmas to everyone, friends and family near and far. We are so blessed. Enjoy your time with those you love!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Resurrection Christmas Party

Lucy and I joined Patrick at his Christmas fun! The kids enjoyed making ornaments, playing games, and snacking on Christmas goodies. Patrick was happy to pass out his little gift bag to his classmates, and one of his little friends even invited him over to a campout in her backyard, saying "you can even wear your pajamas!". Lucy was greeted with a great big hug and kiss from her brother. She was very much a part of the activities and, of course, the snacks. If only she could go to school "like brother", she would be all too happy! She was insistent on wearing her "Christmas shoes"...and I chose not to fight that battle today :)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Lucy Marie!

Our sweet baby girl turned 2 years old today, and the party was fit for a princess. Lucy loves breakfast, so we decided to celebrate over her favorite food. Some of the gifts included a new baby doll with a wardrobe of homemade clothes (thanks Mamaw and Papaw!), a highchair (thanks Grammie and Papa!), a fairy costume (thanks Aunt Carissa and Uncle Cory), and her gift from us....a kitchen with all the trimmings! I made her a strawberry lemon princess cake, which she loved. Especially because the toppers are actual toys, double bonus :) We are so blessed to have this little girl, in all her sweetness and charm. She is truly a gift from God, born fittingly on the Feast of St. Lucy at 9:50 pm on this day. She has enriched our lives in so many ways.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Evansville Courier and Press West Side

Grandma Bretz took the kids out for a very fun morning last Saturday in New Harmony for Breakfast with Santa and the parade. The kids have told us repeatedly about the big tractors in the parade, the carriage ride they took, and of course visiting with Santa. Apparently a few people thought Patrick was pretty photogentic...he made both the Posey County News and the Evansville Courier and Press.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Cookie time!!

We invited our good friends, Axton and Addy Gamblin, over to decorate Christmas cookies today. After lunch, the kids got right to work. Icing and sprinkles were plentiful on the treats that were made. Yummy!! We briefly had all four kids in the bath after the decorating was done, which was comical. A tradition we would like to continue for years down the road....but this might be the last year for the community clean-up!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas time is here...

We created a new tradition this year, picking out and cutting down our tree at a farm just down the road from us. This farm is one we pass almost daily, and the kids and I always wave at the rows and rows of growing evergreens. So we tried it...and it was a blast! We spent about 30 mins finding the "perfect tree" and the kids enjoyed watching the owner buzz it down and shake off all the needles. We think it might be the best tree we have ever had! All of our Christmas decorations are up, including the New England village and Brian even put lights on the outside of the house for the first year. The kids and I have baked batches and batches of Christmas goodies for giving. Here is a picture of the kids in their Christmas jammies -- Lucy is wearing the ones that Patrick wore the year she was born :)