Thursday, August 27, 2009

Craft time continues...

Patrick has completed his 3rd day of preschool, and we couldn't have asked for a better start. His teachers say he is doing great and he shares quite a bit of his day with me when he gets home. Their day is very structured and includes table activities, stories, circle time, art activities and playing outside. Each day a child is assigned a snack/show and tell, so our turn is next Tuesday. We decided on trail mix and apple juice, Patrick thoroughly enjoyed the ingredient mixing and sampling tonight before bedtime! I have also noticed he is much more interested in his crafts, almost every day he asks to bring out his paints, crayons, pencils, glue, etc. Here is a picture of he and Lucy, engaged in their paintings :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fun with Friends

Lucas Rudulph, thrilled with the snappers
Adelyn Jo Gamblin, loving the brownies
Lucy, loving her hat and shirtless post-brownie
Axton Gamblin and Patrick discussing the fireworks being lit

We thoroughly enjoyed the fall-like weather this weekend, inviting friends over to enjoy a dinner of smoked meat and a few cold ones. The kids had a great time, got a little messy in the process, and loved seeing the fireworks light up the sky.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

First Day of Preschool

Today was Patrick's first day of preschool at Resurrection Catholic School. He woke up excited and bounded out the door with Daddy. Daddy called me shortly after they arrived, saying that Patrick was playing just fine and didn't even blink when he left. It was an odd morning for Lucy and I, she immediately asked where Patrick was, then stated repeatedly throughout the morning how "quiet" it was and that Patrick was at preschool. She is the age that he was when she was born, so it was different for me to have only a 20 month old at home, kind of ironic. We jogged and played, I included a picture of her lounging on our bed, loving the attention.

We picked up Patrick at 10:15 and I almost teared up when I saw the class filing out of the school in a single line with their backpacks on, sitting quietly and immediately on the bench until their parent arrived. Patrick smiled when he saw us and hopped down after Mrs Greulich told him we were here, immediately opening his bag to show me his prize for helping pick up toys. His teacher told us he had a great morning, participating in every activity and never once looking scared or sad. We received a daily note of their activities, which included playdoh, painting, reading books, singing songs, sharing their balloons, and having a snack. I did include a picture of his balloon, the first assignment from the open house Tuesday night, that served to introduce Patrick to his classmates. Don't worry, I won't photograph every single paper he brings home, but this was the first!! Lucy was happy to see Patrick, pointing to him and saying over and over -- "It's Patrick!"

Everyone aged today. Both my kids seemed older and Brian and I surely felt older, but it seemed right to be moving on to this next phase in our lives. I feel such comfort and happiness with Resurrection initially, I know this school will be a good fit for us.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Week In Indy

The kids and I headed north for a week up in Indy while Daddy headed southeast for training in North Carolina. We had a great time! We went to the Children's Museum, the park, and the Indiana State Fair. Patrick was in heaven with free reign on the farm equipment and both kids enjoyed the pedal tractors. They got a chance to practice "chores" around the farm including milking the cows, planting crops, and feeding the animals. And what fair experience would be complete without a corn dog?? Mommy even got to go out for an evening with Grammie and Aunt Molly to dinner and a movie! We spent quite a bit of time with cousins on both sides -- the McNulty brood as well as the Weiss's. See the slideshow for more of our fun time!!