Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Just playing all day

If you ask Patrick what he wants to do today, he gives the same response every morning over breakfast -- "play all day". Which, is pretty much what he does. Today we returned to library school after the holiday break and I was so proud of how well he did. In the past, he hasn't really enjoyed it, but we were giving it another shot. Today he was participating in some of the songs/dances and often sitting away from Lucy and I during the stories, next to the other kids and answering questions from his teacher. We talked on the way in how it's important that he gets extra props (like the sticks and plastic eggs filled with beans for the coordinating songs) for his sister when his teacher starts passing them out to the kids. I was so proud of him when I heard him announcing loudly among the cluster of toddlers that he "needed some for baby girl", not leaving until he had some for her.

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