Wednesday, September 17, 2008

9 months old!

Lucy had her 9 month check up today -- and this was the expression throughout the examination as well as the labwork. In fact, Patrick was anxious as well to have a stranger poking and prodding at his sister, let alone making her cry -- he said he wanted to "go home". She is 20 lbs 11 oz, 30 inches tall. Again, 95th + percentile. A little late in crawling and pulling up to stand by herself, but nothing to be concerned about. She will do it in her own time -- she simply isn't motivated enough yet! Who would be? She has a brother who fetches anything not immediately within her reach. Just tonight though, she got down to her belly several times from sitting, some times more graceful than others, so it won't be long before we are chasing her around as well. In other areas, she is beyond average -- specifically her jabbering! Go figure. Gotta be loud in order to be heard in this household. Now that her 2nd tooth is poking through, it should make enjoying her meals a bit easier! Down to just 4 servings of milk daily around 3 actual meals of table food, the infant days seem to be slipping away from us faster than we imagined. We can hardly believe we will be celebrating her first birthday in a few months.

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