Friday, August 22, 2008

8 months old!

Time just flies -- Lucy was 8 months old last week. She is doing so many new things, I can hardly remember them all. She is starting to transition to the floor from sitting and trying to get her knees underneath her hips. Also with help, she can pull up to stand at the coffee table or Patrick's bed and bangs her hands. She loves being pulled in Patrick's red wagon and waves like she is royalty -- only crying when we pause too long. Lucy claps all the time, she is such a ham. She is eating more and more table food, loving diced fruit and graham crackers along with mac n cheese and red potatoes. She says da-da and ma-ma, and is in the process of cutting her first two bottom teeth. Her hair is getting thicker and longer, starting to curl and still keeping some of her red. We've been able to get some barrettes in and it looks so darn cute!

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