Friday, May 16, 2008


It just amazes us how quickly Lucy is growing. And maybe that is because she is our second and you aren't as focused on all the little milestones like we were with Patrick -- here comes the guilt. She's already getting shafted. Anyhow, she turned 5 months on Tuesday. She is so darn sweet and such an easy baby. She sleeps from about 7 pm to 6 am, wakes once to eat around midnight. She naps wonderfully and consistently in the morning and in the afternoon, just lays in there and puts herself right to sleep. I have been fortunate enough to get her and Patrick on the same schedule so after lunch I usually have a couple hours of quiet. She loves green beans and squash, pears and peas not so much. Luckily, we have found a soy formula that she can tolerate so I can supplement. She recognizes the 3 of us and rewards us with big smiles. She absolutely loves Patrick and her eyes are glued to him when he is playing. He returns the love for the most part, retrieving dropped toys and lost pacifiers. He loves to show off for her when she is in her exersaucer and spins her around when she starts turning, ordering her to "watch". The last few days she has discovered a very high shrill sound that is pretty...neat. Or at least she thinks so because she keeps practicing it and chewing on her hands :)

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