Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Summer hats!

I just love sweet little summer hats on babies. The first summer with Patrick, he wasn't out in the sun too much because he was so little, and by the next summer our busy 1 yr old wouldn't leave one on for a second. Lucy, on the other hand, is the perfect age. And she looks so darn cute in them too!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

First time on the 4 wheeler!

Patrick was nice enough to share Daddy's lap and allow Lucy to enjoy her very first 4 wheeler ride around the yard. I don't think she will share the same passion for this activity as her brother, but she was OK with it today!

Patrick's birthday party

What a wonderful weekend for a birthday party! We grilled out hot dogs and brats and enjoyed some of Patrick's favorite's including mac and cheese, chips, and fruit with dip. I made a train cake, which he enjoyed the taste more than the artistic piece. He was anxious to blow out his two candles and dig in! We gave him a wagon, which he was estatic about -- I was fortunate to capture his expression when Brian was pulling it out of the garage (see slideshow on the right). Immediately, he wanted to hook it up to his bike and haul it around, sister in tow. No surprise there. Other gifts included a slide from Grandma and Grandpa Bretz, books, toys, and balloons. We also purchased a swing set today for the kids, so it was an awesome weekend for Patrick!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Patrick and Lucy

Patrick thought it was so crazy that he was holding Lucy, and she thought it was pretty funny as well!

Happy Birthday Patrick!

We can hardly believe that our baby is two. I really tried to take in all the little things about Patrick today - from his insistence on wearing his rainboots to the grocery all the way to his endless chatter about Daddy's black truck. He is truly a blessing -- I can't imagine life without him and I can't remember what we did before him. We started the day off right with blueberry muffins and balloons strewn all over the house and ended with homemade pizza, birthday brownies and presents. In between, the typical reading books and playing outside. Observing the ants running in and out of the cracks in the driveway. Life doesn't get much better than that. We gave Patrick a couple of books and his first Hotwheels cars (which Daddy was disappointed to see that they are mostly plastic nowdays) -- the big gift will be given on Saturday at his birthday party with the rest of the family. All the same to Patrick, he was very pleased -- and thankful :) -- for the little things he received today.

Friday, May 16, 2008


It just amazes us how quickly Lucy is growing. And maybe that is because she is our second and you aren't as focused on all the little milestones like we were with Patrick -- here comes the guilt. She's already getting shafted. Anyhow, she turned 5 months on Tuesday. She is so darn sweet and such an easy baby. She sleeps from about 7 pm to 6 am, wakes once to eat around midnight. She naps wonderfully and consistently in the morning and in the afternoon, just lays in there and puts herself right to sleep. I have been fortunate enough to get her and Patrick on the same schedule so after lunch I usually have a couple hours of quiet. She loves green beans and squash, pears and peas not so much. Luckily, we have found a soy formula that she can tolerate so I can supplement. She recognizes the 3 of us and rewards us with big smiles. She absolutely loves Patrick and her eyes are glued to him when he is playing. He returns the love for the most part, retrieving dropped toys and lost pacifiers. He loves to show off for her when she is in her exersaucer and spins her around when she starts turning, ordering her to "watch". The last few days she has discovered a very high shrill sound that is pretty...neat. Or at least she thinks so because she keeps practicing it and chewing on her hands :)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mothers Day in Indy

My Mothers Day weekend was wonderful! The boys worked in the yard helping Grammie with her landscaping while I rested. Patrick quenched his thirst in Grammie's pond -- nice. We left for Indy on Friday and detoured in Edinburgh for lunch and I did some shopping while Brian pushed the kids around the outlet mall. On Saturday, my Mom, sisters, and cousins had pedicures and a nice, relaxing lunch. Sunday morning Brian and my Dad made a big breakfast while Mom and I lounged over coffee and the Sunday paper. Lucy maybe gave me the best gift of all -- she started going all night without requiring a night feeding -- 7 pm to 7 am! Yea for Lucy! Thank you!!!

Patricks' bday in Indy

We celebrated Patrick's 2nd birthday up in Indy last weekend because my siblings are not going to be able to make it down here on Memorial Day weekend. He was absolutely GIDDY when when started singing and Brian carried out his cupcake with the number 2 candle on top. He just smiled and laughed and looked at us with such a look of joy -- it was so fun to see. He blew out his candle after a few attempts and thoroughly enjoyed the dessert! On to the presents-- the first gift he opened from Grammie and Papa was a John Deere semi with a tractor on the trailer-- and he was thrilled, to say the least. He almost was too distracted to open the rest of his presents, including some garden tools (refer to the shovel in the earlier post) and bubbles.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Check ups!

Both the kids had check ups this morning--Patrick's 2 yrs and Lucy's 4 mo (which is more like a 5 mo). Patrick is 30 lbs and 35" tall. Again, the size of a 3 yr old. Dr. Goldman commented on how healthy he has been, knock on wood. And how he looks exactly like his father, which is not news to us. Lucy is 16 lbs and 26.25" tall. Surprisingly, 3 lbs less than her brother at this age -- yikes! All happy and healthy from our scare in February. Of course, both kids are in the 95th percentile overall (oh, sorry Lucy, only the 90th for your weight--what a little waif :)

Friday, May 2, 2008

She did it!

We were so proud of Lucy this morning when she finally rolled from her belly to her back! She has been trying all week long. Patrick was absolutely giddy, laughing and clapping for her. I think Lucy surprised and pleased herself, she knew that she did something very important. Before we know it, she will be crawling and then walking and then chasing her brother. She just loves watching Patrick, he is the most interesting part of her day. Both kids have check ups next week, Patrick's 2 yr and Lucy's 5 month (we're a little behind from her illness in February).