Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What the kids are doing...

It has been a while since I have given an update on what the kids are doing, how big they are getting. Patrick is 22 mo old. He is doing so many new things every day. He loves being outside and his vocabulary gets bigger every day. He protests loudly when we have to come inside. He rides his bike like a madman, prefers to be hauling something behind it (yesterday it was his lawnmower). He now says phrases, like "Mommy" followed by "big stick", "baby duck" or, his latest, "nice shoes!". He can work his puzzles and asks repeatedly to be read the same books over and over again. We've been working on helping with dressing and he can pretty neatly feed himself a bowl of yogurt, etc. He thinks we are hilarious, which is pretty entertaining. He is also into imitating, which is equally comical. He knows quite a few family members by name. He loves his Thomas videos and continues his love of anything with wheels. We are thinking of getting him a new bike and wagon for his 2nd birthday.

Lucy will be 15 weeks on Thurs. She is such a sweet baby. She seems to be falling more into a routine, going to bed last night at 7:30, waking twice to eat, and up for the day at 8. She is such a good napper -- giving us 4-5 hrs a day spread over 3 naps. Lucy has found her hands, which are very delicious. She sucks her thumb and bats at her little toys on her activity gym, which she is content under for 20 mins or more, depending on who is in her face :) She smiles all the time and even acts bashful. She is very curious. She is getting so big, her hair is getting longer and looks red in some light. Prefers her mother over anyone else, which is usually flattering, not so much at the end of the day!


Jamie said...

It seems like all is going well at the Bretz house! Glad to hear the kids are doing so well...and hopefully Mom and Dad are too :)

Andy said...

can't wait to see you guys tonight.