Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Making progress...

To add to the early blog by Brian, Lucy has now been on room air for about 4 hrs and has maintained her levels just fine. Yesterday's attempt at getting off the oxygen was unsuccessful. The pediatrician said that Lucy was the sickest baby she had seen this season. Not exactly something to be proud of! Her lungs are sounding better each day, but we are prepared for doing breathing treatments at home for the rest of the winter. Come on spring!!! She seems to be feeling better, smiling at us today and being content just sitting in her bouncy seat. We are anxious to hear what Dr. Goldman has to report tomorrow, maybe we will be able to go home on Friday. I did get to spend some time with Patrick today, which was wonderful. Brian and I traded duties and I took him to play at the mall (don't worry -- I completely changed his clothes after we left and sanitized his hands like a mad woman) and out to lunch. He is such a trooper, content playing quite a bit at Grandma and Grandpa's, but also wondering where Mommy and "We-we" are. :)

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