Monday, June 21, 2010

St George Island

We just returned from our family vacation in St George Island, Florida. What perfect weather, what perfect company, what a perfect time. My Mom and her sister, Aunt Pam, have been busily planning this vacation since this time last summer. We were able to coordinate 37 people between the two families, giving us 15 kids ages 10 and under spread out over 5 beach homes. We were steps from the beach and the kids loved playing in the sand and splashing in the water. Monday night was McNulty family dinner night, so we hosted a Mexican Fiesta complete with games and activities (that my mother was very proud of) and Wedneday night was Manning family dinner with an Italian theme. Friday night was a pitch in with fresh seafood and all the trimmings. We shopped in town, got the chance to sneak away several times without the kids courtesy of the grandparents, and simply enjoyed kicking back on the beach with a cold beer. We drove 12 hours straight, through the night both times and the kids did fantastic. Definitely the way to go with little ones -- they were out by 10pm and snoozed til 6am. Thanks to Daddy for powering through while we rested :) Enjoy the slideshow!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Big week at the Bretz home!

Whew! What a week we have had! Last Wednesday we put a "For Sale" sign in our yard and last night we signed the paperwork to both buy and sell our home. It was a whirlwind 7 days, but we are very excited about our new home. We will be moving about 5 miles west, a little deeper into Posey County, into a beautiful subdivision called Oakfield. Our home is brand new, built last fall and apparently just waiting for us! The floor plan is open and spacious including a beautiful sunroom, and our yard is a nice flat acre. I am thrilled to finally have a 1)dishwasher, 2)a laundry room, and 3)our own bathroom. The basement is unfinished, eventually we will have a family room, 3rd bathroom, office, and guest room down there. Brian is thrilled to have the perfect spot for a pole barn as well. The subdivison is filled with young families (and some young at heart :), the kids will love being surrounded by so many playmates. We will close on or before July 9th!

In other news, Lucy is potty trained. We went and picked out the final reward tonight for a week of being accident free. The prize -- a shopping cart.

Saturday we leave for St George Island. We are hoping for good weather and oil-free beaches, and ready to kick back with family and relax.