Sunday, September 27, 2009

New Ride!

We stumbled upon a deal on a Gator offered by our neighbors....and the kids couldn't be happier. Lucy is content and actually insistent on riding shotgun, she won't even get in the drivers seat -- which is just fine with Patrick. After replacing the battery, we can get about an hour of tooling around the yard. And that's what they do -- ride continuously, both of them, and then it's back on the charger til tomorrow. It gives Brian and I such a thrill to watch them enjoy something we both wanted as kids!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

We had a nice long Labor Day weekend in Indianapolis. Friday morning we took the kids to Holliday Park, a nice big park on the north part of town with an awesome playground, hiking trails, and nature center. That evening, Grammie and Papa watched all 5 little ones and we met up with Cory and Carissa at The Cheesecake Factory for dinner and some shopping. Saturday morning we headed over to Anderson Orchards and picked apples, snacked on caramel apples and cider afterward. Daddy smoked dinner all afternoon and everyone came over to enjoy tenderloin and some more great family time that evening. Fun times!