Wednesday, March 25, 2009

15 month check up

Lucy had her 15 month check up today. She is 33 inches tall (95th + percentile) and 24 lbs (between 50-75th percentile). The pediatrician asked me how much she was talking, and I told her that she pretty much says anything we say, maybe 100 words or something?? She will string 2 or 3 words together and can even count to 3 with some help. I guess that is pretty unusual for a baby this age, the pediatrician joked about looking into Harvard down the road. She thought Lucy would probably be pretty bossy -- she already is, one of her favorite phrases is "No Patrick -- DON'T!!!" Two shots at the end were not so fun, but having a picnic and playing at the park afterwards was a blast!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Kiss us, we're Irish!

Yummy -- shamrock cookies!
Helping Grammie swing baby Shea
Baby Shea

We had a great visit up in Indy this week. The weather was beautiful and we arrived in time to celebrate our March birthdays and St Patty's Day. We visited the park, the Children's Museum twice, and Mommy even squeezed in some shopping! We sure did miss Daddy who was working hard at home and through the weekend -- because of him we are able to enjoy long weeks with Grammie and Papa!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Lazy Sunday

What a beautiful day! We definitely made the most of it. Patrick had his Tonka crew out working in the yard quite a bit, and he has pretty much mastered his Christmas trike. Lucy was all over the yard, scooting backward on her little trike and essentially carrying it forward, gathering rocks in her bucket, and swinging. Daddy and I even squeezed in a 4 mile run and an 8 mile bike, respectively. No pictures to capture those moments :)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Yesterday was my 31st birthday, I am now officially "in my 30's". It's funny how my perception of what is "old" has changed as I have gotten older :) Patrick was so excited about eating some cake, which is evident in this picture. And Lucy, well, she was content to sit there and pick her nose.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spring days

We have really enjoyed being outside the past few days, it's been so nice to be able to spend our evenings after supper playing in the dirt, riding the 4 wheeler , or taking a walk. Sad to see the cold front move in tonight, but realizing that spring will be here soon enough!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Playing in the dirt

The kids will be sad when this is a flower bed in a couple of months -- guess we'll have to convince Daddy to build a sandbox :)

First haircut--bangs!!

Since Lucy has been fighting the barrettes and rubber bands, we decided it was time to trim her hair. You know, so she looks like she actually belongs to someone :) She did well initially, but once they started spritzing her hair, she changed her mind. Mommy held her for the few minutes it took, the reward was a chocolate chip cookie. She looks so sweet, but sadly a little more like a little girl and a little less like a baby.