Sunday, June 29, 2008

Nap time!

Apparently Patrick hasn't been quite ready to lay down for his naps lately because the past two days we have found him just like this -- sound asleep in the middle of his room, surrounded by his beloved books. He's smart enough to read quietly, knowing that Mommy will shoo him back into bed if he wanders out once I shut the door. Although I can't really complain -- his naps are usually 2-3 hrs long every afternoon -- wherever they might be! :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Little shopper...

Lucy just loves playing in her crib, which is nice when you need a few extra minutes in the morning to start some coffee or brush your teeth. In fact, the other morning we went to get her up and she had somehow gotten her little cloth purse up over her shoulder (that was *supposed* to be out of her reach), glancing up at us with that toothless grin like she was ready to hit the stores!


Who would have thought a 2 yr old would actually enjoy leaf lettuce with Asian dressing? Could it be that he is eating it out of Mommy's bowl? :)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

We had a really nice weekend! As promised to Patrick, we went to the Classic Tractor Show on Saturday afternoon. Both "boys" were impressed by the tractors and machinery :) They had a huge toy show in one of the exhibit halls, we couldn't escape without getting Patrick a souvenir -- a new blue tractor and grain cart. We spent Sunday working around in the yard and grilled out in the evening with Brian's family. Happy Father's Day, Daddy!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Breakfast time...

Patrick is enjoying a typical breakfast -- blueberry bagel with cream cheese and yogurt. Lucy is just happy that everyone could attend the meeting she called, or so she looked in this picture. Lucy is 6 months old today! She is almost sitting up by herself and enjoying every baby food we present 2-3 times daily -- favorites include peaches and squash. Self entertains pretty well, screeching up a storm. It is now almost impossible to drink a cup of coffee holding her-- her coordination and strength are increasing daily.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Summer time fun!

We broke out the sprinkler after Sunday breakfast and church, and Patrick just loved it! He was slow to warm up -- the water was pretty frigid -- but in no time at all he was running and laughing, asking Mommy and Daddy to join in the fun! Filling up buckets, riding his bike through it-- the possibilities are too many to count! It's funny, he would have no part of the sprinkler last summer.